Tuesday, September 10, 2013

kinds of soups

Lesson Plan

Kinds of Soups

                At the end of the period students can be able to;



a.        know what are the kinds of soups;

b.      classify what are the specialty soups;

c.       demonstrate their own specialty and garnishing soups.


II. Subject Matter

                Concept:  soups

                Topic: kinds of soups

                Skills: listening and observing

                Values to be developed: creativity and knowledge


1.       The teacher conducts a short discussion about the kinds of  soups

The teacher shows an expository demonstration regarding on the basic style of garnishing als

basin, spoon, bowl, knife, ingredients,


2.       .

3.       Student’s are expected to observe very keenly.

4.       After the demonstration, the student’s will perform a return demonstration on the style that they want to execute.

IV. Evaluation

                Teacher will generate the criteria for rating based on their finished product.

V. Assignment

                Make your own specialty soup by applying garnishing.